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Articles tagged development

  1. PyMake I: Another GNU Make clone

    (Edit 1): This is the first of two posts about my program PyMake. I'll post the link to Part II here when I've written it. While I still agree with some of the many of the views expressed in this piece, I have changed my thinking on Makefiles.

    (Edit 2): I'll post a new post about the topic when I take the time to write it. I've written a tutorial on using _Make for reproducible data analysis_.

    I am an aspiring but unskilled (not yet skilled?) computer geek. You can observe this for yourself by watching me fumble my way through vim configuration, multi-threading/processing in Python, and git merges.

    Rarely do I actually feel like my products are worth sharing with the wider world. The only reason I have a GitHub account is personal convenience and absolute confidence that no one else will ever look at it besides me …

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